There are many types of Availability, Point availability (A(t)), Average availability Steady State availability (A(∞)), Inherent availability (Ai), Operational availability (Ao), and Data availability (Ad), and each can be assessed using demonstrated (descriptive - based on actual achieved performance) or predictive (inferential - based solely on the failure distribution (reliability math model) and the repair distribution (maintainability math model)) measures of performance. However each has its own considerations and value to the metric consumer.
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- Point Availability
- Average Availability
- Steady State Availability
- Inherent Availability
- Achieved Availability
- Operational Availability
- Data Availability
Point (instantaneous) availability (A(t)) is a calculation at time t (predictive) or over time t (demonstrated over e.g., hour, day, week, month, year) and is the ratio of uptime to total time (A(t) = (uptime) / (uptime + downtime) = (uptime) / (total time)).
Coming soon - Currently being formulated
Purpose/Analysis Description
When Performed
For Performance see Guidance and Reference Data page
Average (interval, mission) availability or the calculation of the Average uptime during the time period from t1 to t2, is used where it is possible that the point availability at any point between t1 and t2 may be zero (due to planned maintenance) or may vary (=(∑ of n A(t) during non-maintenance times)/n)
Coming soon - Currently being formulated
Purpose/Analysis Description
When Performed
For Performance see Guidance and Reference Data page
Steady State availability (A(∞)) or Limiting (steady-state, asymptotic) availability is the calculation of the long-term availability after the system "settles." If the system availability is unstable st deployment or other time it could take some time before it stabilizes therefore this availability finds the time and value where the limit of the availability versus time function tends to infinity.
Coming soon - Currently being formulated
Purpose/Analysis Description
When Performed
For Performance see Guidance and Reference Data page
Inherent availability (Ai) is the calculation of steady state availability that considers only the impacts of corrective maintenance (failure recovery) and excludes preventative maintenance from downtime (Ai = MTTF/(MTTF+MTTR) = MTBF/(MTBF+MTTR). Inherent availability is an important design parameter and is one type of effectiveness metric used in trade studies.
Coming soon - Currently being formulated
Purpose/Analysis Description
When Performed
For Performance see Guidance and Reference Data page
Achieved availability (Aa) is the calculation of steady state availability that considers both preventative and corrective maintenance (failure recovery) to find mean maintenance downtime, MMDT and the time between either type of maintenance actions (MTBM) to find availability (Aa = MTBM/(MTBM+MMDT)).
Coming soon - Currently being formulated
Purpose/Analysis Description
When Performed
For Performance see Guidance and Reference Data page
Operational availability (Ao) is the calculation of the percentage of Uptime out of the total system exposure time (Ao = Uptime/Operating Time =Uptime/Cycle Time).
Coming soon - Currently being formulated
Purpose/Analysis Description
When Performed
For Performance see Guidance and Reference Data page
Data availability (Ad) is the calculation of the percentage of Data received out of the total data generated over time (Ad = Data Received/Data Generated).