Specialty Topics

This section addresses higher level topics/questions/problems/investigations or "Special Topics" in the RMA Engineering discipline that could impact, inform, or advance the community as a whole. Although these larger scale topics come up during project/center-level discussions from time to time, often they are set aside as they require more in-depth analysis or discussion than can be applied at that level.

This section is therefore intended to make you aware and gather additional data on existing initiatives, gather thoughts for additional initiatives (through feedbackforms on this topic - ensuring to annotate that is a new initiative or data or a comment), and solicit volunteers/participants across the RMA community. Feel free to reach out to points-of-contact directly.

Additional information on R&M initiatives from OSMA can be found here: OSMA Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) or provide feedback, comments, corrections via theR&M Feedback Form to enable the continued readiness and continuous relevance of the data provided within this site.

5. Specialty Topics

The Digital Transformation and R&M Data Sharing (DT/DS) is intended to strengthen the agency’s ability to share  guidance, tools, and enable collaborations as it relates to RMA.



R&M Data Transformation Phase1: Data Survey Report
    (Open file and use TOC-attachment list or open with PDF program to access embedded files)

    R&M Data Transformation Phase 2 Plan

The Maintenance, Availability, and Maintainability Improvement Initiative (MAM - II) is intended to strengthen the agency’s guidance, tools and collaborations as it relates to both maintenance and maintainability of on-ground and space flight systems.

NASA MAM Guidance

MAM Initiative Meeting Presentations as of Sept 2019

The Model-Based Mission Assurance Initiatives are intended to strengthen the agency’s guidance, tools and collaborations as it relates to both systems and assurance engineering on-ground and space flight systems.

Additional Model-Based Mission Assurance Information can be found at theOSMA Model-Based Mission Assurance Page.

GSFC Model-Based Safety and Mission Assurance Initiative (MBSMAI)

2020 RAMS MBSMAI Summary Findings Report of GSFC's study of modeling for Reliability. In this study GSFC Reliability experts developed models of mission subsystems (EUROPA Propulsion, Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) Sounding Rocket Attitude Control System (ACS), & International Space Station (ISS) Evaporator) using a representative Commercial Off-The-Shelf tool, MADe (Maintenance Aware Design environment from PHM Technology-Siemens), and SysML/ MagicDraw (Systems Modeling Language (SysML) based tool from NoMagic) that was supported by Reliability plugins from Tietronix Software Inc. Evaluated models and their ability to support Reliability Analysis in in terms of accuracy, consistency, and efficiency and developed modeling process and environment recommendations.

Click Thumbnail to Open Report

Detailed report of GSFC MBSMAI Reliability study. Report includes 1) models of mission subsystems (EUROPA Propulsion, Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) Sounding Rocket Attitude Control System (ACS), & International Space Station (ISS) Evaporator); 2) Reliability artifacts (Predictions, FMECAs, FTAs, and Availability); 3) Recommended requirements for the optimal SMA-Reliability modeling environment; 4) Evaluation of the Commercial Off-The-Shelf tool, MADe (Maintenance Aware Design environment from PHM Technology-Siemens), and SysML/ MagicDraw with Reliability plugins from Tietronix Software Inc. conformance to the optimal environment; 5) Evaluation of Reliability Analyses in terms of accuracy, consistency, and efficiency; and 6) Modeling tips and guidance for each tool.

Click Thumbnail to Open Report

Tips and Guidance Sheets (SysML & MADe): Model-Based SMA Initiative Phase 1 Report: Reliability Tips (2 files available), right click on link to open linked file location in a new page/tab.

2022 ISSC MBSMAI Summary Findings Report of GSFC's study of modeling for System Safety. In this study GSFC System Safety and modeling experts refined the model of the EUROPA Propulsion to include safety hazard using a representative Commercial Off-The-Shelf tool, MADe (Maintenance Aware Design environment from PHM Technology-Siemens. This study had planned to execute the same System Safety work in SysML/ MagicDraw (Systems Modeling Language (SysML) based tool from NoMagic) but at this time there is no hazard analysis plugins available. The evaluation focused on modeling ability to support System Safety Analysis in in terms of accuracy, consistency, and efficiency and developed modeling process and environment recommendations/requirements.

Click Thumbnail to Download Report

Detailed Report (TBD)

Guidance (TBD)


Detailed Report



Detailed Report


JPL Reports

NASA Quality Assurance in an MBSE World, Cornford, S.L., Kotsifakis, D., Beckman, S., Feather, M.S. and Evans, J.W., 2020, January. In 2020 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Click Thumbnail to Open Report.

Model Based Mission Assurance in a Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Framework, S.L. Cornford & M.S. Feather, NASA/CR-2016-21927.

Click Thumbnail to Open Report.

JSC SysML Modeling Reports

The work presented in this paper describes an approach, including a methodology and tools, which allows system engineers to capture failure-related information in a model and generate automatically key failure analysis products: the Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) and the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). The work has been developed by Tietronix Software, Inc. and the NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and the resulting auto-generated artifacts shown in this paper demonstrate the ability to obtain powerful reliability and fault management products in a model-based environment.

Click Thumbnail to Open Report

An innovative modeling technique was developed to merge Reliability & Maintenance (R&M) activities with Model Based System Engineering processes. Associated tools were developed to automatically extract R&M products (FMECA and Fault Trees) from the model. The modeling technique and tools were successfully applied to a NASA/JSC project. The method enables the R&M perspective to be taken into account as key design decisions are being made during the design process.

Click Thumbnail to Open Report

The Post Mission Disposal and Spacekeeping Improvement Initiative (PMD&SII) is intended to strengthen the agency’s guidance, tools and collaborations as it relates to both post mission disposal and spacekeeping.

    Click image to view Post Mission Disposal Matrix (See List below for Table References):

    Click image to view Servicing/Assisted Disposal Matrix (See List below for Table References):

   Click here to view table References from Consensus Document

NASA Post Mission Disposal and Extension Practices

ESA Post Mission Disposal and Extension Practices

JAXA Post Mission Disposal and Extension Practices

Trilateral authors have shared their lessons learned, insights, and guidance on disposal and mission extension assessment strategies within this document. As such, this document is not prescriptive, but was formulated to enhance value-and-risk-balanced operational decision-making, support policy refinement, and guide spacefaring partners beyond these agencies to assess their activities in space with safety and a global space-stewardship, or spacekeeping, in mind.

Click Thumbnail to Open Document.

Supporting examples can be found here: Guidance Addendum    

Trilateral authors have shared their lessons learned, insights, and guidance to formulate a framework for assuring Servicing or Active Debris Removal (ADR or Assisted Disposal (ADD)). The intent of Servicing/ADR is to sustain the space environment for useful assets, or perform spacekeeping, by means enhancing current asset utility through removal, repair, or service. As such, this document is not prescriptive, but was formulated to enhance support for value-and-risk-balanced operational decision-making, support policy refinement, and guide spacefaring partners beyond these agencies to assess their activities in space with safety and a global space-stewardship, or spacekeeping, in mind.

Click Thumbnail to Open Document.


Long Duration Reliability is TBD

AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition Panel EXPL-09 presentation.

The Interstellar Probe Mission Concept Report is now available at:https://interstellarprobe.jhuapl.edu/. Right Click link to open link in new tab/window.


The scope of this handbook is to introduce basic Physics of Failure (PoF) concepts and give example case studies of their application to all systems and materials at NASA. It presents the foundations of PoF approaches to reliability applications at NASA. It explains PoF methods for reliability (grouped by: Empirical (based on historical data or experimental physics) and Deterministic (based on theoretical physics or physical modeling of failure mechanisms) physics application), and includes supporting case study references, guidance on Aggregation (deterministic and empirical estimation combination methods), and a discussion of how PoF for reliability may evolve.

Click Thumbnail to Open Document.

Note: Navigation and case study links are embedded in the pdf to go to topics, sections, or case studies of interest.

This book is intended to be a living document, with updates as time progresses. Please use comment form from the PoF SharePoint area in TEAMS to provide feedback or additional data and post your form in the TEAMS PoF SharePoint area in the Version 1 Comment and Case Study Submission Folder.

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